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Tree Trimming In Palo Alto Helps To Maintain The Beauty And Health of The Tree

Trees make the outdoors beautiful. Their presence in the yard creates shade for lounging, or to build a tree house, or hang a tire swing. Proper maintenance involves timely tree trimming in Palo Alto.

Importance of trimming

Regular trimming and pruning are important so cutting off the branches may be necessary to ensure the safety of the family and tree health. The experts cut the diseased or dead branches and this encourages the plants to develop a stronger structure of the core for withstanding the elements. This accentuates the physical appearance, improving fruit or flower production.

Frequency of trimming

Tree trimming in Palo Alto once yearly during the dormant season is what the experts suggest. This may however vary based on the tree species involved. Certain circumstances may prompt immediate trimming. The growth of the tree obstructs the visibility of vehicles and pedestrians at the intersections. The limbs interfere with the power lines so the utility company handles the work because it is a dangerous situation. The growth of the tree may threaten the property or home. When trimming becomes necessary undertake this without wasting any time because postponing this may cause damage.

Trimming the trees safely

Personal safety is the biggest criterion when it comes to tree trimming in Palo Alto. With the professionals handling things, there is a worry-free solution available like the use of the ladder. This takes them to heights and near power lines. The experts cut branches that are smaller than two inches but think over when the length of the branches is 2-4 inches. They determine whether it is a good idea to cut a branch longer than four inches.

The ideal time to trim trees

According to the experts, the best time to trim the trees is during early spring or late winter. This is after the passing of the cold days, before the new bud forms. Tree trimming in Palo Alto is not a good idea in extremely cold weather. Fall trimming stimulates growth but this is not good before the winter months with its harshness. There is the frequent spread of fungi during fall with a negative effect on the health of the trees following the trimming process.You do not want to do this when the weather is damp or raining because moisture facilitates bacterial growth and spreads diseases. Trim when the branches are dry again with the sun shining down.

Tree trimming in Palo Alto involves the removal of intersecting or crossing branches, low branches that hinder walking, those blocking light and windows. Besides this, you can remove the branches hindering the view of street signs or blocking the intersection of those that obscure or block the entryway to the home. The professionals gather the required tools along with the supplies for sharpening and cleaning. For more information visit Our Website